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Connecticut is building up an extensive roster of all-star artists right now, and on the forefront of this scene is a rapper by the name of Snowprah and her electrifying single, “Soft Drink”.


The song has been out for about a month now, but thanks to the powers of social media as well as the undeniably infectious pace on this one, it has absolutely exploded recently, quickly becoming known as the official anthem of CT this summer. Although I may have just stumbled upon the song last night, I can assure you that since then, this one hasn’t left the rotation and looking towards the future, it probably won’t for quite a while.


Produced by Chillshump, the reason that this song seems to hit so hard right off of the bat it because of the unforgettable style and thrilling rhythms that it brings to the table. Snowprah (BTW, unbelievable rap name) only takes this to the next level with a patient yet ambitious flow to match, and by simply floating over the beat while letting the energy come to fruition quite naturally, there’s no denying that “Soft Drink” is a hit on its way towards the top right now.

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