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Illustrator and Storyteller,

Haley Longo

Haley Longo, 23, is from New Jersey with degrees in Graphic Design and Illustration from Montclair State University. She is most passionate about figurative art and visual storytelling.  She loves telling universal, personal, and emotional stories that she pulls from her own life experiences as well as from what she sees around her.

Longo approached BreadCrumbs out of frustration with the more popular social media platforms, saying that sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr are over saturated with artists of all kinds trying to get discovered, making it harder for small-name artists to be seen. 


As we did this interview, Longo expressed gratitude towards BreadCrumbs as an organization that allows artists to really go in depth about their work with meaningful conversations. She says that as a relatively unknown artist, she's never had the chance to talk about her work in such a like-minded space.

Longo's style is still not completely settled, and she's OK with that. She sees the value in being able to wear many hats in terms of choice of medium and style. She prefers the more tangible media: pen and ink, pencil, and acrylic and watercolor paints.


She has, however, began training on digital platforms with the acknowledgment that the illustration industry is moving more and more into the digital realm. With a background in fine arts, namely painting and drawing, she brings her traditional sensibilities to the language of illustration.



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Latest Projects : The Girl and The Gun

Pictured to the left is the first page of Longo's latest project, "The Girl and The Gun."


This project exists now as an eight page graphic novel, but Longo hopes to expand on this story into a standalone book and self publish it when she graduates from MSU.

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